NHS senior management were grilled by politicians as it emerged £214 million worth of savings are needed.
NHS Tayside bosses admit they need to find more than £200 million over the next five years to break even.
During a meeting with the Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit Committee, health board senior staff revealed £214 million will need to be found over the next five years in order to write off debt owed to the government and for the board to cut its losses.
Chief executive Lesley McLay assured politicians and auditors the savings will be made without any cuts to staffing levels.
She added that detailed plans for how the savings will be made will be published at the end of March.
Former health secretary Alex Neil branded the health board’s approach “wholly inadequate” and said their savings plans amount to “putting your finger in the air and estimating”.
Health bosses were also forced to defend performance bonuses paid out to staff.