A bold bid to halve the amount of waste from construction, demolition and excavation has been launched by Perth and Kinross Council.
The authority becomes only the second in Scotland to sign up to the national Halving Waste to Landfill Commitment.
This will see it attempt to reduce waste, recycle more and increase the use of recycled and recovered materials in building and refurbishment projects.
Fife Council saved almost £150,000 via the scheme last year through better management of construction waste and Perth and Kinross hopes to follow suit.
Launching the drive in Crieff, environment convener Councillor Alan Grant said, “As an organisation involved in developing and refurbishing buildings and facilities, Perth and Kinross Council has a significant role to play in minimising the environmental and economic impacts of sending waste materials from construction, demolition and excavation to landfill.
“The council is also looking to make the most cost-effective use possible of materials recovered from the waste stream, thus helping to divert waste from landfill, save expenditure on landfill tax and reduce demand on our finite natural resources.”
Steps are already being taken with the support of Zero Waste Scotland to deliver on the commitment through construction projects such as the redevelopment of the recycling centre at Crieff, which is being delivered by CA Blackwell (Contracts) Ltd.
This entails the construction of a waste transfer station building, new access road, recycling bays and points along with associated drainage, lighting, electrical and fencing works.
Targets set for the project include a 75% minimum waste recovery rate on construction materials, 85% minimum for demolition and excavation, and a 10% minimum of reused and recycled content in new-build and refurbishment work.
CA Blackwell contracts manager Jim Wilkinson said, “We are also committed to signing up to Halving Waste to Landfill as part of our initiative for continuous improvement in environmental performance and understand that, through reducing waste and using fewer materials, tangible benefits can be achieved that generate significant cost savings and a better corporate profile.”
Director of Zero Waste Scotland Iain Gulland said, “Perth and Kinross Council has really embraced their commitment to Halving Waste to Landfill, a pledge which will both reduce waste and save money.
“Zero Waste Scotland will support council staff with the delivery of the commitment by providing expert training on how to reduce, forecast, manage and report the amount of waste on projects, and providing contract and tendering procurement support.”