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Perth pupil Tom earns pilot licence now it’s time to learn to drive

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A Tayside teenager is flying high after completing his private pilot licence at supersonic speed.

Perth High School pupil Tom Hall is dreaming of taking to the skies full-time after gaining the licence this month.

The 17-year-old has already been flying for seven years and has racked up hundreds of airborne hours, including flights across Scotland and soaring above the Forth bridges.

The private pilot licence (PPL) means he can now fly solo and carry passengers in certain types of aircraft.

He said: ”It began when I was 10 years old and my parents bought me a trial lesson at Tayside Aviation for my birthday. I really enjoyed it and decided then that I wanted to become a pilot.

”I had a lesson every so often but when I turned 14 I could officially start to log my hours towards my licence and this was the time I really began to take it seriously.

”I tried to have a flying lesson every month, although sometimes this was not always possible due to the weather conditions.

”I always dreamed of flying solo on my 16th birthday, as this is the youngest age possible to achieve this. In December 2010, this dream was achieved and I managed to do my first solo flight without an instructor being in the aircraft. It was so exciting as it was the first time I was ‘pilot in command’.”

As well as the fun of flying, the PPL saw sixth-year pupil Tom taking on extra studies and exams.

He said: ”To gain my PPL I also had to pass seven written exams, covering a vast amount of subjects, from air law and meteorology to human performance. These were very difficult exams, plus I also had the pressure of studying for my school exams at the same time.”

But all the hard work was worth it, and Tom admitted: “As soon as I was told that I’d passed, I was on cloud nine as I’d finally achieved what I’d always dreamed of.”

Tom completed his tests with Tayside Aviation in Dundee and, although he intends to keep up the lessons in his bid to be a commercial pilot, he has a more grounded ambition in the meantime.

He said: ”Tayside Aviation were excellent, their instructors were very knowledgeable and always very friendly.

”I hope to continue my training with Tayside Aviation and, one day, become a commercial pilot, but for now I need to start learning how to drive.”

A spokesman for Tayside Aviation said: ”Tom is as keen as mustard and has been from the moment he came in here. He’s been a model pupil and we’re delighted for him.

”We can’t recall anyone younger doing this 17 is a very, very good age to complete the licence.”