Helping the planet while improving health and fitness is the name of the game in Fife under a new “green gym” initiative.
Anyone struggling to keep New Year resolutions is urged to go along to the community woodland at Cambo Estate, Kingsbarns, where the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) is running the free green gym. It encourages people to increase their health through practical conservation activities such as woodland management, gardening, tree planting or footpath improvement.
The project runs every Wednesday from 10.30am until 1.30pm.
Work has already been started by a group of volunteers, with brush and non-native species removed in a bid to allow the natural woodland to recover. Over the coming months there are plans to further improve the footpath through the area, repair a length of damaged wall and plant new trees which are native to Scotland.
Kath Webster, BTCV’s volunteer development officer, said, “Conventional gyms and sport centres do not appeal to everyone, so the green gym offers people an alternative way to improve their fitness.
“The benefits from taking part are not just purely physical — new practical skills can be developed. Meanwhile, working together with other people can help to improve social contact and boost self-esteem, all while making a positive contribution to the local community.”
Participants can take the session at their own pace and people of all ages and abilities are encouraged to take part. Warm-up and cool-down exercises, health and safety instructions and practical training are all provided.
Anyone interested in taking part, or those looking for more information, should contact Kath on 01592 861555 or email