Police operation catches more than 70 motorists using phones, speeding or not wearing seatbelts
ByNews reporter
Tayside Police stopped more than 70 drivers for using their mobile phones, speeding or driving without a seatbelt.
All the offending motorists caught in the crackdown that took place during during a 24 hour period to 7am yesterday received £60 fines with some also being given penalty points on their licence.
Sergeant Watson Fraser branded the numbers caught “unacceptable,” and said irresponsible motorists were putting themselves and others in danger.
“If you are using your phone then you split your concentration and are not focusing on the task in hand,” he said.
“Now nobody is without their phone unfortunately, when it’s behind the wheel of a car it’s not the best place to have it.”
He also blasted drivers who fail to belt up years after seatbelt laws were introduced to prevent road deaths and injuries.
“I’d like to take people who don’t wear a seatbelt to the scene of the fatal road accident,” he said. “We have seen people killed because they just weren’t wearing one.”
In total, 20 people were caught driving while using their phone, while 11 were stopped for seatbelt offences. More than 40 were stopped for speeding.
Police operation catches more than 70 motorists using phones, speeding or not wearing seatbelts