Swans rule the roost in Broughty Ferry By The Courier Reporter October 28 2014, 8:41am October 28 2014, 8:41am Share Swans rule the roost in Broughty Ferry Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/dundee/119100/swans-rule-the-roost-in-broughty-ferry/ Copy Link Monday marked the start of major roadworks in Dundee but at Broughty Ferry harbour the delays were ruffling drivers’ feathers. Works being carried out on the beach caused more than 10 swans to take a diversion, and cause their own jams for motorists. Dundee makar Bill Herbert captured the scene as Beach Crescent became blocked for a time until the wandering birds decided to move on.