Wouldn’t it be great to know what Alex Salmond thought about the independence referendum?
Ideally as part of an exclusive and in-depth interview running over several days.
In this Utopian dreamland, we would find out just what Salmond thought on the night of the vote and why he thinks the Yes side ultimately lost out.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what he really thinks about Gordon Brown, the man credited with saving the union?
And what about his personal relationships, those nearest and dearest to the former First Minister. Wouldn’t it be smashing to find out more about those hitherto intensely private relationships?
It would, but what kind of a news organisation could nail down such a gobsmacking exclusive?
Well, I’ll tell you.
The Courier.
BOOM and indeed BANG.
Explosive stuff.
Don’t miss part one of our exclusive and in depth interview with the man himself in Thursday’s wonderful Courier.
If politics, the independence referendum and all that related jazz doesn’t float your boat, don’t sail away at this early juncture. We have plenty more on offer.
For a start you can find out more about the Comrades of the Glen.
They were determined to spend millions of pounds turning a highly prestigious Perthshire estate into a haven for asylum seekers.
A lofty ambition.
Donors could end up having their portraits hung on the historic walls of said estate’s main property.
It really is fascinating stuff.
In other news have you ever sought a loan from the bank of mum and dad?
Or perhaps you have been in the unfortunate position of being “lender of last resort” for a younger member of the family.
A quite remarkable amount of cash is being loaned from said “bank”.
Most interesting.
We also cast our eye over the consumer entertainment show in Las Vegas.
In fact I teleported to Las Vegas myself (using a rudimentary version of Wonka vision) to find out just what is rocking the world of gadgetry (legal disclaimer that’s a lie. We do have all the latest though).
It’s all about driverless cars, which can be summoned by smart watches.
Remarkable, and an example of boffinry and its blinding best.
From slamming exclusives to a surfeit of local news, Thursday’s Courier caters for all tastes. Please do pick up your copy. Failing that, why not try our digital edition?