Thousands of hi-tech treasure hunters from all over the world are preparing to descend on Scotland this weekend for a special Perth 800 event.
Saturday’s geocaching mega event, the first of its kind in Scotland, has attracted participants from 21 different countries and is expected to generate around £300,000 for the Perth and Kinross economy.
Enthusiasts are coming from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, the USA, South Africa and all over Europe to take part. However, local people are also being encouraged to come along.
Geocaching is an outdoor activity in which the participants use handheld GPS units or other navigational techniques to seek out hidden containers holding items placed by other geocachers, and then share their experiences online.
Cache containers are placed in more than 100 countries around the world and on all seven continents, including Antarctica.
There are already more than one million “active” cache containers in the world, although the sport is only 10 years old.
Perth’s Dewar’s Centre will be the main hub for the mega event, which promises to give geocachers the chance to make new or renew acquaintances in a relaxed atmosphere.
“There will be a range of free lectures about the sport suitable for complete beginners as well as those with more experience, and a selection of trade stands all of which will have a geocaching theme,” a spokesman for Perth and Kinross Council said.
“Enthusiasts will of course also get the chance to get out into the beautiful Perth and Kinross countryside to hunt down the hundreds of local caches which have been set up especially for the event.”Side eventsAs well as the main event on the Saturday there will be a range of side events for geocachers taking place over the weekend including family walks, an event for dog owners, a teddy bears’ picnic and munro hiking.
Provost John Hulbert is among those eagerly anticipating the extravaganza. “Over the past few months I have learned a great deal about geocaching as a hobby,” he said. “It is a hugely popular pastime across the world and is a fascinating sport that all the family can take part in.
“We expect thousands of geocachers to visit Perth and Kinross for the mega event on July 31 and I would also urge local people to get involved in this activity, which is fun for people of all ages.”
The provost said the event would “encapsulate” the Perth 800 themes of heritage, culture and sport, economy, youth, technology and communities.
“It will give us the chance to showcase to people from around the world what Perth and Kinross has to offer, and it will also provide the local economy with a major boost,” Dr Hulbert continued.
“I would like to welcome geocachers to Perth and Kinross and wish them a very enjoyable weekend. I hope a lot of local people will also go along to find out a bit more about the sport, and perhaps decide to get involved in the activities.”For more information and to take part go to To get involved in geocaching go to And for more ideas for things to do out and about in Scotland, visit
Photo used under Creative Commons licence courtesy of Wikimedia Commons user Paul Downey.