Dundee and Angus College is the best-performing college in the country in terms of student pass rates for higher education (HE).
The publication of a Scottish Funding Council (SFC) report indicates how colleges in Scotland are performing, with D&A College having the best student pass rates for HE provision and coming a close second in terms of further education (FE) pass rates.
While the SFC reported a rise from 65% to 66% in the number of full-time college students successfully completing their course in the academic year 2013-14, the figures for the new D&A College were higher at 72.9% for FE students.
The success rates for students enrolled on full-time HE courses such as HNC and HND were even better, at 76.7% more than 7% above the national average and almost 1% higher than the next best in the sector.
D&A College is also well ahead of the national average in terms of success rates for students coming from the most deprived postcode areas.
According to SFC figures the national average for that group is 66%, whereas D&A College students are achieving a 75% success rate.
Steve Taylor, assistant principal in charge of planning and performance at D&A College, stressed this success reflected the hard work of students and staff across the college.
He said: “These are the first student outcome figures for the new merged college and demonstrate excellent performance.
“For these results to be achieved at a time of merger and major change for the college, however, is simply stunning and is something for which students, staff and our local community can be rightfully proud.
“A key focus of D&A College is our role in supporting students from the most deprived postcode areas to achieve relevant qualifications and progress to further study or work.”