Local matters new Courier welcome for motorists in Dundee By Alan Wilson June 17 2014, 7:15am June 17 2014, 7:15am Share Local matters new Courier welcome for motorists in Dundee Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/dundee/135167/local-matters-new-courier-welcome-for-motorists-in-dundee/ Copy Link An early-morning lorry passes the new Courier ad. Drivers heading into Dundee city centre from the eastern approach this morning will be confronted by a new city landmark. High above East Dock Street on the walkway above the road is a new Courier advert welcoming commuters to the city. The operation to install the banner on the side of the Nynas factory walkway meant the road was closed for several hours overnight. That operation will be repeated tonight from 9pm to install another banner on the western side of the walkway. Once again, the road is set to re-open around 5am on Wednesday and well before the morning rush hour.