A sensational flower tribute to the Royal Marines has been created at the entrance to Arbroath by a former marine.
Chic Grant, who served at RM Condor in Arbroath from 1971 to 1998, has replicated the brigade’s crest in a flower bed to mark the Royal Marines’ 350th anniversary.
He stepped in after Angus Council said it could no longer afford to maintain the flower bed at Infirmary Brae.
Chic planned out the display with military precision, with the help of a £500 grant from Arbroath Area Partnership.
He said: “I saw the potential immediately and knew it was the marines’ 350th anniversary.
“I wouldn’t like to estimate how many hours it took me to complete over a four-month period I moved 14 tonnes of earth myself as well as organising and planting the plants.
“I had a lot of support from the community. The council’s parks department were very supportive with advice and they provided the top soil.
“I had plants donated by Ashbrook Nursery and businesses Heinz Voigt and Keillor Graphics supplied the header boards with the Crowned Lion.
“My idea is that this garden will evolve and be part of the Arbroath community by 2016, which will be the 45th anniversary of 45 Commando being stationed at Arbroath.”
Chic paid for a board with the Royal Marines motto Per Mare Per Terram which translates as By Sea, By Land.