A bid by Falkirk Council to restrict admission to Roman Catholic schools to baptised children has come under fire.
The local authority is legally obliged to offer denominational education and, as waiting lists continue to grow, it has outlined controversial changes to legislation.
As part of its proposals, only pupils with a baptismal certificate would be guaranteed a place at Roman Catholic schools.
All other pupils would be required to submit to a placing request.
The move has split opinion, with opponents slamming it as “religious discrimination”.
Although staff, parent councils and the Catholic Church have backed the move, the Scottish Secular Society has voiced strong opposition.
Chairman Spencer Fildes said the council “should not be seeking to expedite religious discrimination because a child’s parents have differing faiths, or indeed no faith”.
The plans will be discussed in greater detail by councillors next month.
Falkirk Council has been struggling with capacity at denominational schools in recent years and new facilities have failed to ease the pressure on the system.
Last year, it capped intake at all feeder schools to St Mungo’s High School, resulting in 40 pupils being denied enrolment and no places reserved for children likely to move to the area.