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RSABI’s £45,000 Great Glen Challenge boost

Participants in the Great Glen Challenge.
Participants in the Great Glen Challenge.

More than £45,000 has been donated to rural charity RSABI from funds raised during this year’s Great Glen Challenge.

The event, now in its third year, saw 22 teams run, cycle, walk or row through the Great Glen at the end of August.

Taking gold on the day was a team from NFU Mutual’s Stirling office, led by David Lyle.

Each of the 22 teams was tasked with raising a minimum of £250.

RSABI said teams from RBS and Bank of Scotland are still contributing funds to the charity as a result of the banks’ employee community cash-back and matched giving schemes.

RSABI’s Paul Tinson who, along with colleague Tessa Rouse, launched the Great Glen Challenge in 2012, said: “I was extremely impressed with the collective achievements of all the competitors, but what really encourages me is that the RSABI Great Glen Challenge is going from strength to strength in terms of its fundraising.

“Teams from Davidson & Robertson Rural and United Auctions headed the non-banking fundraising total and should be very proud indeed of their efforts.”

RSABI, which aims to help people who have depended on the land, provided nearly £500,000 in assistance to more than 500 beneficiaries last year.

It is on a mission, launched by chief executive Nina Clancy, to find more people in need to ensure funds reach where they are most needed.

Ms Clancy said: “Please do come forward and put us in contact if you know of anyone who could benefit from help.”

She said the Great Glen Challenge would return next year.

* The Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers has donated £8,000 to charities with funds raised from a charity auction at its annual dinner in April.

Sarcoma UK, which carries out research into rare cancers, was given £3,000, while Alzheimer Scotland and Scottish War Blinded were each given £2,500.