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Dunfermline man collected hundreds of indecent child images over five-year spell

Dunfermline man collected hundreds of indecent child images over five-year spell

A 55-year-old Dunfermline man was caught with more than 1,200 indecent images of children on his computer.

At Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court on Tuesday, Garry Ellicott, of Sycamore Grove, admitted collecting the images between 2008 and 2013.

In June 2011 police received information regarding website sales of DVDs purporting to contain indecent images.

It was discovered that an IP address relating to Ellicott had access to an address purporting to sell the DVDs.

When they searched his house they were told the accused had attended a computer course and changes were made to his hard drive.

Depute fiscal Dev Kapadia told the court that Ellicott had 1,120 images graded at level one, 31 images at level two, 22 images at level three, 44 images at level four and one image at the most serious level five.

Ellicott admitted two charges that between January 7 2008 and April 19 2013, at an address in Rosyth, he had in his possession indecent photographs of children, and that he took or permitted to be taken or made indecent photographs of children.

Sheriff Max Hendry deferred sentence until May for reports.