The mystery couple's lock, joined by one from the bridge authorities.
A mystery couple have unlocked the secret of true love on the Forth Road Bridge.
And their romantic and secret declaration has now keyed up a novel way to say ‘I love you’.
A padlock, etched with ‘Jim loves Paula’, was clandestinely locked on to the Forth Road Bridge a few months ago.
Now it has opened up a romantic side to the bridge’s 50th anniversary.Do you know ‘Jim and Paula’? Contact The Courier on 01382 575556 or email no bridge is too far to travel in the search for love, a new Mark Your Spot area will enable lovers to lock their love to the bridge’s east footpath near the south tower.
Couples are being allowed to buy heart-shaped locks with a portion donated to good causes which they can have engraved and added to the specially made panel for all eternity just like their love.