Woman dies after falling at Stone Roses’ Glasgow Green concert By Press Association June 17 2013, 11:14am June 17 2013, 11:14am Share Woman dies after falling at Stone Roses’ Glasgow Green concert Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/scotland/203001/woman-dies-after-falling-at-stone-roses-glasgow-green-concert/ Copy Link Ian Brown of The Stone Roses. A 24-year-old woman has died after falling at a Stone Roses concert, police said. Emergency services were called to Glasgow Green just after 9pm on Saturday, where 50,000 people gathered to watch the Manchester band. The woman was treated at the scene and taken to Glasgow Royal Infirmary where she later died. A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “A post-mortem examination will be carried out in due course to establish the exact circumstances of the death.” It is understood there are no suspicious circumstances.