Angus councillor’s switch to SNP prompts by-election call By Damon Rhind April 30 2015, 8:03am April 30 2015, 8:03am Share Angus councillor’s switch to SNP prompts by-election call Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Bill Bowles. Carnoustie independent councillor Bill Bowles has joined the SNP. His new allegiance has stunned his peers and prompted a suggestion a by-election should follow. Mr Bowles said Scotland had been failed by the UK party leaders and he had become “just one of the 100,000 SNP members”. He said he would continue to represent the people of Carnoustie and Angus as an independent councillor. Fellow independent Carnoustie councillor Brian Boyd was surprised at the move. He said it was naive to think someone could be a party member and still retain their independence. For more on this story, see Thursday’s Courier or try our digital edition.