Dundee woman dies in stairs fall at home By The Courier Reporter April 29 2015, 11:28am April 29 2015, 11:28am Share Dundee woman dies in stairs fall at home Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/dundee/204411/dundee-woman-dies-in-stairs-fall-at-home/ Copy Link Wendy Barrie. A woman has died after falling down a flight of stairs in her Dundee home. Wendy Barrie, from Linlathen, was alone in the house in Doon Terrace when the tragic accident happened. Daughter Shelli Duncan, 27, said: “It was such a shock when I found out, it was so sudden. “Mum had some health problems, but they weren’t life threatening and I wasn’t expecting this she was only 49 and full of life.” Wendy, whose funeral was at Dundee Crematorium on Tuesday, is survived by her daughter, son, grandson, three sisters and mother.