Lorry tyre problem causes long delays on A90 into Dundee By Steven Dinnie June 25 2015, 9:31am June 25 2015, 9:31am Share Lorry tyre problem causes long delays on A90 into Dundee Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/perth-kinross/206943/lorry-tyre-problem-causes-long-delays-on-a90-into-dundee/ Copy Link Commuters faced long delays this morning when a lorry coming into Dundee had to stop for a tyre change. The lorry broke down near Longforgan, forcing the closure of one lane of the A90. Traffic was heavy throughout the rush-hour following the early morning breakdown, with at least 20-minute delays. Motorists reported traffic backed up as far as Inchture. Commuters described the hold-ups as a “shambles” but praised efforts to get the traffic moving again. The incident happened around 7am and was cleared just before 8.15 but the backlog meant many will have been late for work.