The possible replacement of a former village school with affordable housing is to be debated.
Fife Council wants to build 15 properties on the site of Crombie Primary School, one of seven schools recently closed by the local authority.
People will be able to discuss the plan at a drop-in event in Crombie Community Centre on August 17.
There is, however, also a proposal to retain the Main Street building for community use.
Crombie Residents’ Association is considering the potential for taking it over for the village.
The affordable housing would be a mix of one, two, three and four-bedroom bungalows and houses.
A council spokesman said: “If progressed, this project may become part of the council’s wider affordable housing programme to increase the number of affordable homes for rent across Fife.
“It is one of a number of proposals being considered to meet the council’s commitment to deliver 2,700 new affordable homes by 2017.
“Fife Council’s affordable housing team is keen for local residents to come along to the drop-in event to get their feedback on the proposal.”
A reminder was issued that a planning application is yet to be submitted and formal objections or support can only be lodged once the planning process begins.
The drop-in event will run from 4.30 to 7.30pm.
Plans will also be available online from August 17 at and comments can also be made by emailing