Two mystery Lottery winners have scooped more than £300,000 in Monifieth.
A spokeswoman for National Lottery organisers Camelot said that a winning ticket for more than £250,000 had been claimed at the Tesco store in High Street.
And a further winning ticket for more than £50,000 was bought at newsagents Trewel Stores, across the road.
Manager at the Tesco store Jo Dobie said she was just back from holiday and had only recently learned of the win.
She said she had been given no details and had not heard anything about who claimed the winnings.
She said: “This is a brilliant thing to happen.
“It’s great news that someone in Monifieth has bought a winning ticket here in our store.”
She said the store had been given no further information, as the winner had asked for no publicity.
At least another £50,000 was won in the newsagent.
Store owner Mohammed Afzal said he had received a winning poster from Camelot.
He said: “This is very exciting, for me to think that somebody bought a ticket winning so much money in my shop.
“It has certainly created a bit of excitement in Monifieth.
“People are coming into the shop and speaking about it and obviously everyone is wondering who the winner is.”
A Camelot spokeswoman said: “We are helping our lucky stores celebrate their life-changing status with new, special posters announcing ‘winner made here’.
“Tesco in Monifieth is one of the lucky stores that has sold a winning ticket worth more than £250,000.”