A new £2 million housing development on Camus Crescent, Carnoustie, is now complete with families settling in to their new surroundings.
The 16 new affordable houses have been built on the site formerly occupied by Camus House.
Eleven are council homes for rent while the other five properties were built in partnership with Houses for Heroes Scotland.
The rented homes will provide essential affordable housing for disabled veterans in Scotland.
Communities convener Donald Morrison visited householders to wish them well in their new homes.
He said: “I’m delighted to see that people have moved in to the houses and are very quickly making them their homes.
“I wish them all well and hope they are happy in their new neighbourhood.
“All of these homes have been designed and built to high safety and efficiency standards and include an innovative design that allows conversion to add an additional room if required.
“This project is a very welcome addition to the supply of affordable rental accommodation in the area, which is very much in demand.”
The five Houses for Heroes properties are fully wheelchair- accessible, as are two of the council’s houses, which have similarly been designed to fully barrier-free standards.
Houses for Heroes Scotland will allocate them through the Veterans Scotland Central Housing Register, with priority given to younger veterans injured in recent conflicts.
The charity will lease part of the Camus House site at a peppercorn £1 rent for 100 years, with the intention of enhancing the council’s covenant to help former and injured service personnel adapt to life outwith the armed services.
This also helps to increase the overall number of wheelchair accessible properties available to Angus residents.
The £2m project is funded in part by the Scottish Government’s Affordable Housing Supply Programme.