Pedestrians in Kinross will be placed at risk by the introduction of a shared space scheme in the town, it has been claimed.
Businessman Ken Miles has branded the move to give equal priority to pedestrians, cars and cyclists inherently unsafe.
He said he was in favour of improvements to the High Street area, but he feels the removal of kerbs, road markings, traffic signs and pedestrian crossings, exposes people on foot to danger.
He said the results of a survey commissioned by Lord Holmes of Richmond vindicated his stance.
In the survey of 600 people, 63% rated their experience of shared spaces as poor, with 35% saying they avoided the schemes altogether.
The document said pedestrians reported feeling “scared and unsafe”.
Mr Miles said the results of the survey backed up his own reservations about the safety aspects of the new layout.
“This controversial and misguided logic deliberately introduces more risk to all road users and in particular young children, the elderly and those with sight, hearing and other disability’, he said.
“The principle of these schemes is to make areas where traffic and pedestrians mix inherently more unsafe in the hope this will result in more careful, courteous and aware drivers.
“The Holmes Report has gathered and documented experiences of pedestrians, drivers, cyclists etc. and vindicates the opposition of myself and others who have campaigned to have the plans take proper account of the safety of all High Street users.”
He added: “I think it is just a matter of time sadly until an accident will occur that will show the failings of this ill-conceived scheme.”
Perth and Kinross Council said: “There are many differing views on the sharing of road space with strong support for such schemes as evidenced by Exhibition Road in London.
“The scheme in Kinross High Street was the subject of wide public consultation and the type of development selected is the one the community wanted.
“Kinross High Street’s shared space is user defined and reduces vehicle use as alternative routes are in place.”