Violent crime in Dundee has risen by almost a fifth compared to last year, The Courier can reveal.
Shocking police statistics show that robbery in the city has sky rocketed by more than 60%, while incidents of serious assault have risen by more than 13%.
Between April and December last year there were a total of 173 violent crimes in Dundee, according to the figures.
That compares with just 147 over the same period in 2013 a 17.7% increase.
Both figures remain below the five-year average of 183 violent crimes.
Chief Superintendent Eddie Smith said the spike in the figures was down to greater detection rates for violent crimes.
In a report to city councillors, he said: “It is acknowledged that the number of robberies has increased, with 20 more robberies during this period compared to the same period last year.
“The detection rate is 94.3% which is a 12.5% increase on last year.
“We continue to focus attention on serious violent crime, including robbery, and use all avenues available to target the perpetrators, including working with our partners to disrupt, deter and detect.
“There has been a slight increase in the number of serious assaults, with nine more victims but the detection rate remains consistent.
“There has been a 6.6% reduction in petty (common) assault across Dundee, equating to 109 fewer victims and there has been a 3.7% increase in the detection rates.”
Mr Smith highlighted Operation Kidston which he said was designed to help tackle violent crime in the city centre.
He said: “This operation was implemented at the start of December 2014 and was primarily to deal with serious and violent crime and antisocial behaviour in the city centre area of Dundee.
“This focuses officers’ activities, incorporating public reassurance and improved partnership work, including working closely with local traders, licensees and the City Centre Management Team, allowing opportunities to maximise our ability to reduce antisocial behaviour.
“Tackling those involved in criminality and antisocial behaviour was at the forefront of this operation and a robust policing style was adopted to deal with those individuals.”