Bad parking is causing child safety concerns outside a Broughty Ferry Primary School.
Parents have complained about teachers parking so closely together in the playground area as well as vehicles blocking the Camperdown Street entrance of Eastern Primary School.
Broughty Ferry community councillor Stan Nutt said he has contacted the school on behalf of parents and there has been some improvement.
He said: “Like all schools certain parents come and just abandon their cars in the road. Some days you go into Camperdown Street and it’s like a cork in a bottle.
“It has been going on for quite a while and some days it is very bad.”
Although it has improved considerably since it was raised with the school Mr Nutt said there are still some irresponsible drivers leaving their cars parked up on the pavement blocking the school entrance.
He said: “Sometimes you get five or six cars parking in there making a very narrow entrance for prams. Parents say it can get quite horrendous.”
There are 11 parking spaces nearby intended for school parking but signs have not yet been put up.
Mr Nutt said: “If there’s a space people will park and if there is no signage there is nothing to stop them.”
Questions were also raised over fire evacuation and Mr Nutt asked his fellow councillors to help monitor parking and record the registrations of offending vehicles.
He added: “There has been a huge improvement since we raised the issue so I think people are getting the message.”
Stewart Hunter, convener of Dundee City Council’s education committee, said: “All playground areas at Eastern Primary School are at the rear of the school building on the south side and there is no vehicular access or parking permitted in this area.
“School staff have been reminded of the parking restrictions at the east end of Camperdown Street between the school fencing and the main entrance.
“To the west of the main entrance there are 11 delineated spaces adopted for use by the school and appropriate signage is being put in place.
“We are not aware of any risks related to fire evacuation from the building but the situation is being kept under review.”