Killiecrankie adventure sport company Highland Fling Bungee has benefited from increasing visitor appetite for high-adrenaline adventure sports in some of Scotland’s most stunning settings.
Opened in May 2011, its £200,000 state-of-the-art bungee pod at Garry Bridge, overlooking the River Garry, has welcomed 17,000 jumpers from “every continent except the Antarctic”.
Since its inception, the UK’s only permanent bridge bungee jump has employed a total of 13 full-time staff.
A further 15 young people are trained in all aspects of adventure sport instruction and customer service and retained as crew each year, making the attraction a significant local employer.
“Highland Perthshire is right up there with adventure sport provision in Scotland,” said Highland Fling Bungee managing director Murray Trail.
“Our customer numbers have exceeded expectations, which shows that appetite is there for high quality, adventure activities in iconic Scottish locations.”
Mr Trail started his own career as an adventure sport guide, working in South Africa and Scotland, and believes the industry can offer rewards for individuals with a drive to succeed.
“In terms of careers for young people, adventure sport provides opportunities, as long as those setting out have the determination to make the most of them,” he said.
“For example, four or five of the guys I trained with as guides or instructors now own their own adventure sport companies.
“In certain types of companies, like ski-ing, for example, you can climb quite a high corporate ladder. There are also core skills that are highly transferable into other industries.
“The attention to service, good organisation and planning, logistics all of these aspects make it a skilled industry.”
Turnover had grown year-on-year and by 10% in the most recent period.
“It is a significant industry now in Scotland and there are providers, like ourselves, always seeking to push boundaries of what is achievable in Scotland,” Mr Trail added.
The Highland Perthshire region offers around 37 different outdoor activities to visitors, with Highland Fling Bungee estimated to have contributed some £7.5m to the local economy over its first two years.