Dundee teenager hopeful of catwalk career after Top Model UK competition By Mark Mackay March 16 2015, 6:12pm March 16 2015, 6:12pm Share Dundee teenager hopeful of catwalk career after Top Model UK competition Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/dundee/243679/dundee-teenager-hopeful-of-catwalk-career-after-top-model-uk-competition/ Copy Link Amber Davison was runner-up in the 'Natural Beaty' category at the Top Model UK competition. A young Dundee model is hoping she’s on the path to a successful career in modelling after impressing at a major national competition. Teenager Amber Davison took to the catwalk in London for the finals of Top Model UK and was named first runner-up in the “Natural Beauty” category. The 16-year-old, who now lives in Oakham, England, but has many family and friends in her home city, was representing Scotland at the competition. Top Model UK is watched by some of the biggest names in the industry and can be a springboard to a future career. Mum Joyce said: “This will hopefully open doors for her in her modelling career.”