Firefighters tackle car blaze in Dundee By Reporter September 30 2015, 9:53pm September 30 2015, 9:53pm Share Firefighters tackle car blaze in Dundee Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link Emergency services were called to South Road, Dundee, on Wednesday night after a parked car went up in flames. Both the police and fire brigade rushed to the scene shortly after 8pm. Firefighters were able to quickly extinguish the blaze and said an electrical fault within the vehicle had caused the fire. A spokesperson for Police Scotland confirmed that the incident wasn’t considered to be criminal. He said: “We received a call from Tayside Fire and Rescue of a vehicle on fire on South Road. “Tayside Fire and Rescue were able to deal with the fire at the scene. “There were no casualties and nothing of a criminal nature involved.” A spokesman for Tayside Fire and Rescue confirmed: “We attended the scene at 8:03pm and extinguished the fire at 8:19pm.”