Staff at NHS Tayside have been presented with an award for helping improve patient care.
The eHealth team worked alongside clinical staff to create a programme that would allow a universal view of a patient’s record.
The Clinical Portal system means that all clinicians in Tayside, whether working in primary or secondary care, can securely access one virtual record for their patients.
The system currently has around 4,000 active users which is available to every clinician across NHS Tayside.
Members of the eHealth team had their work recognised during the NHS Scotland eHealth awards, as part of the Health Informatics Scotland Conference.
They picked up the award for Best Use of Innovative IT for Patient Care.
Director of eHealth Jenny Bodie and consultant anaesthetist and joint clinical lead Cliff Barthram accepted the award.
Jenny said: “This award is fantastic for the whole of NHS Tayside. It has been a joint effort between the eHealth directorate and clinical professionals in the organisation.”