Fife care home abuse allegations: women’s court appearance called off By Claire Warrender February 4 2016, 11:43am February 4 2016, 11:43am Share Fife care home abuse allegations: women’s court appearance called off Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link An expected court appearance by two women in connection with an alleged assault at a care home in the town has been called off. The women, aged 57 and 61, were arrested and charged following allegations of abuse on a resident at Chapel Level Care Home. They were expected to appear at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court today but their undertaking to appear was cancelled. Four employees of the home remain suspended amid an investigation into the claims. A spokesman for the home said they were “deeply concerned” by the allegations, saying they went against everything they stood for as an organisation. The home is working with the police, Fife Council and the Care Inspectorate while the investigation is carried out. more soon)