Fife could see an extra one million trees planted in its native soil over the next five years in a massive planned expansion of its woods and forests.
The Fife Forestry and Woodland Strategy is designed to improve the area’s woodlands and forests. Fife has around 11% woodland cover, compared to the national average of 18%.
The new strategy looks at ways to increase that figure to create native and mixed woodlands, which can also produce timber and woodfuel.
The idea is to plant an extra 200,000 trees (100 hectares) in the kingdom each year.
Keith Wishart, Forestry Commission Scotland’s conservator for central Scotland said: “Forestry already makes a significant contribution to Fife’s economy.
“A key priority is to facilitate the expansion of woodland in a manner which complements farming activities and encourages diversification.
“Delivery of woodland creation and expansion…is central to the development of a sustainable future.”
Environment and Climate Change Minister Paul Wheelhouse said: “Fife’s forests and woodlands are great natural assets which provide a large range of benefits.
“Around 2,600 jobs are already supported by Fife’s forests and the industry contributes £394 million to the local economy each year.
“Woodlands are also part of the area’s character and have a positive effect on the quality of life for people living and working in the area.
“It is, therefore, important that we manage this precious resource properly so we can fully maximise the benefits.
“This new strategy, which would see a further one million trees planted over a five-year period, is the guiding vision to achieve this.”
Lothians and Fife Green Network Partnership manager Paul Sizeland added: “We are really pleased to see an approach that identifies the distinctive land use attributes in Fife.
“It marks a really important stage in local actions to support the development of Fife’s woodland economy.”
To view the Fife Forestry and Woodland Strategy 2013-18 log on to the partnership website.