Coming Up has been known to ramble.
Every night The Man at Courier Towers gives unfettered access to the news agenda and a hefty portion of the internet and says “go wild”.
Cue a stream of consciousness based loosely on the day’s events which only draws to a close when mental exhaustion and a certain amount of shame over poor puns and over-extended metaphors kicks in.
We can only imagine how we would feel were this daily unlimited flight of fancy to be suddenly stopped.
Thus, Coming Up is well aware of the frustration which will be felt when real ramblers the type who stray into the countryside, dangerously far from buildings, roads and off licences – will feel this summer.
Plans are afoot to cut off a Perthshire right of way at Gleneagles when the Ryder Cup rolls into town.
The path will offer a rather handy and free view of the golf. Health and safety demands that it be shut off. Ramblers who would, we are sure, avert their eyes as they pass the world’s best players in keen competition, say it should stay open.
Golfers versus ramblers bring it.
Elsewhere in Courier Country, the forces of law and order have been having their way with a rather dim and desperate Arbroath robber.
Looking for a high, he robbed a shop and, with police searching for him, came back to do it again the next day.
Unsurprisingly he was collared and we were in court to see justice meted out.
While passing through the town, we noticed a fire, kicked in a door and rescued a one-legged woman from the smoke-filled flat.
OK, that wasn’t us. But someone did it and we bring the full story to you.
As evidenced by the claim of heroics above, Coming Up’s mind is starting to wander so we’ll draw to a close.
But there is much, much more in The Courier on Wednesday so buy a copy or try our digital edition.