Woman hurt in A90 crash near Forfar By Graeme Strachan March 20 2015, 11:08am March 20 2015, 11:08am Share Woman hurt in A90 crash near Forfar Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/news/angus-mearns/251489/woman-hurt-in-a90-crash-near-forfar/ Copy Link A car left the road and ended up on its roof in a field in Angus this morning. The accident happened on the A90 northbound around a mile before the Forfar exit. The female driver suffered minor injuries following the incident which took place around 7.45am. The vehicle is being recovered. Firefighters were not called to the incident and the road is currently open.