The number of cases of illegal poisoning targeting birds of prey fell last year, according to a new report.
Seven incidents of deliberate poisoning were recorded, down from 17 in the previous year, wildlife conservation charity RSPB Scotland said.
A golden eagle, two buzzards, two cats and a raven died after eating bait laced with highly toxic and banned pesticides.
Poison bait was discovered in a seventh case but no victim detected.
The charity welcomes the drop but warned about the illegal killing of birds of prey by other means, with 13 further incidents also recorded. These include the shootings of two golden eagles, a hen harrier, a goshawk nest and a short-eared owl.
Another golden eagle, two buzzards and a peregrine falcon were caught in illegally set spring traps. Two goshawks, a tawny owl and a buzzard died in illegally operated crow traps.
A further 27 probable incidents were identified in the charity’s annual report, including cases where satellite-tagged birds disappeared without explanation.
Stuart Housden, RSPB Scotland director said “We applaud the continued focus on tackling raptor persecution by the Scottish Government, but much remains to be done.
“We also welcome the decline in illegal poisoning. However, if those who wish harm to our country’s birds of prey simply turn to other forms of persecution, such as shooting or trapping, then there is little to celebrate.
“The deaths of these golden eagles are particularly appalling, given that the golden eagle was recently voted the nation’s favourite species in the SNH poll for the Year of Natural Scotland.”
He called for a review of how the law is applied in cases of birds of prey being targeted.
The majority of reported or suspected incidents happened in areas managed for driven grouse shooting in the eastern and central Highlands and the southern uplands of Scotland, the charity pointed out.
Ian Thomson, RSPB Scotland’s head of investigations, said: “Again, most of these crimes were discovered purely by chance, by local residents, walkers or birdwatchers, in remote areas of countryside, so we thank the public for their continued vigilance.
“We accept that legal predator control of foxes and crows, alongside appropriate habitat management, can have conservation benefits for some ground-nesting birds.
“But we need our moors to be managed sustainably in ways that are not narrowly focused on ever-increasing grouse bags, and this includes giving a home to the raptors which should occur on these moors.”