A decline in passengers could see Perth’s taxi fleet growing older as operators look to cut costs.
Firms and individual drivers asked Perth and Kinross Council to consider relaxing its rules on vehicles.
It has been reported by the taxi trade that due to the struggling economy there has been a significant downturn in public use and that the effect of this is being felt by all operators.
The taxi trade has also expressed the view that the requirement that vehicles be no more than seven years old and that retired vehicles be substituted with a vehicle no older than five years has resulted in many operators being burdened with additional costs.
A survey was carried out of the views of the licensees in relation to whether the age limit for taxis and private hire vehicles should be increased or removed altogether.
The questionnaire was completed by 40% of licensees.
Of these, 75% were found to be in favour of an increase in the age limit of taxis, while 23% were in favour of abolishing the age limit altogether.
On Thursday, members of the council’s licensing committee stopped short of abandoning age limits for vehicles, despite that being the recommendation of council officers.
Instead they agreed to amend the conditions of the local taxi “Blue Book” to extend the age limit to 10 years and remove the age limit for replacements.
To allow for that, all taxi or private hire cars over the age of seven years will be required to undergo two council inspections each year.
The current condition relating to age limits was first introduced in 1988, when concern was expressed about the poor appearance of many vehicles.
That was considered detrimental not only to the trade itself but also to the general image of Perth.
In view of the high mileage incurred by many taxis, resulting in excessive and wear and tear on the vehicles, it was decided that an age limit be adopted.
The licensing committee has exercised discretion in recent years to prolong the life of a licensed taxi or private hire car.
The extensions are usually granted for an additional year for economic reasons and the number of successful applications reflects the position of the taxi trade.
From January to December 2012, seven applications were considered, of which five were granted. Between January 2013 and December 2013, 17 applications were considered and all were granted.