The council is looking for tenants who have been wrongly penalised by the “bedroom tax”.
It has already found 147 people who were entitled to an exemption from cuts in their housing benefit that otherwise applies to anyone with an unused bedroom in their home.
But it is convinced there are more and is urging tenants to come forward before a government-imposed deadline.
Housing convener John Alexander said: “It has recently come to light that some tenants should have been exempt from any reduction in their benefit entitlement.
“In general, the exemption applies to people whose tenancy started before January 1996 and who have been getting housing benefit continually from that date.
“Someone who has inherited a tenancy and been in receipt of housing benefit continually from that date may also be exempt and we are keen to try to find everyone in Dundee in those circumstances.
“The Westminster Government is going to close this loophole on March 3, so it is important that you get in touch with us as quickly as possible if you think you qualify.”
People affected by the under-occupancy rules have seen a reduction in their housing benefit entitlement of 14% or 25%, depending on the number of extra bedrooms they have.
Anyone who has not already been contacted by the council and who thinks they meet the criteria should call 01382 431205 or visit Dundee House, the Dundee East housing office in Pitkerro Road or the Dundee West housing office in Sinclair Street.
Philip Stott, of the Bin the Bedroom Tax campaign, said: “Following the decision of the Scottish Parliament to effectively end all need to pay bedroom tax from April 1 in Scotland, this is another important step forward.”
Chancellor George Osborne has defended the under-occupancy rules, saying 1.8 million families in the UK are waiting for social housing, but there are eight million spare rooms in the sector.