An Arbroath man appeared in court after flooding a house as he tried to remove a washing machine from his former partner’s home.
Michael Fraser, 42, of Cairnie Street, previously admitted that between March 2 and April 23 last year, at an address in the town’s Duke Street, he placed a woman in a state of fear or alarm by repeatedly attending at the property and forcibly attempting to remove a washing machine.
He also previously admitted that between these dates he sent several text messages of an abusive nature.
Depute fiscal Jill Drummond told Forfar Sheriff Court that Fraser’s relationship with the woman ended in 2011.
“The accused attended at her home and appeared to be in a rage,” she said.
“He went into the kitchen and began forcibly removing the washing machine from under a work surface causing pipes to break. This flooded the house and the house of a downstairs neighbour.
“The woman shouted down to her neighbour that Fraser was trying to remove the machine and seemed distressed and upset. The accused then left without the machine.
“Three to four weeks later the accused returned to the property and again started to remove the washing machine.
“He forcibly removed the front panel, damaging it irreparably. The washing machine was owned by the accused but it was located at the woman’s home and it was previously used by both of them.”
Ms Drummond added: “On April 19 the woman went out with her friends and when she returned the following day she had 11 text messages from the accused.
“They were angry and abusive in nature. Matters were then reported to police.”
Sheriff Pino Di Emidio deferred sentence until May 7 for a personal appearance by Fraser.