‘It is game on’ SNP MSP welcomes new independence referendum poll By Kieran Andrews March 25 2013, 2:21pm March 25 2013, 2:21pm Share ‘It is game on’ SNP MSP welcomes new independence referendum poll Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/politics/263327/it-is-game-on-snp-msp-welcomes-new-independence-referendum-poll/ Copy Link A new opinion poll has shown the gap has narrowed over how people plan to vote in the independence referendum. The Panelbase survey, published on Sunday, showed support for yes at 36%, no at 46%, and “don’t knows” at 18%. The poll also reported increased backing for the SNP at Holyrood. Support for Labour, the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats has fallen. SNP MSP Annabelle Ewing said: “This poll shows that it is game on for the independence referendum this is the narrowest gap in the campaign so far.”