Two men charged after reports of hare coursing near Kirkcaldy
ByThe Courier Reporter
Police in Fife have charged two men after investigating reports of hare coursing near Kirkcaldy.
The alleged offences took place within a number of farms on the outskirts of the town in the summer.
Police wildlife crime officers took action after receiving reports of lurcher-type dogs being used to target hares in June.
Two men were subsequently detained last month and have now been charged.
The duo, aged 43 and 21, will now be reported to the Procurator Fiscal.
Constable Lindsay Kerr, wildlife crime officer for Fife said: “The use of dogs to chase and kill animals such as hares is an offence we are working hard to deter and to seek prosecution for anyone found to be responsible.
“If you witness anyone who you believe is engaging in hare coursing then please contact police immediately so we can investigate.”
Two men charged after reports of hare coursing near Kirkcaldy