NHS chief delivers Invergowrie practice assurances
ByAndrew Argo
Assurances on the future of Invergowrie Medical Practice have been given by NHS Tayside chief executive Gerry Marr.
After a meeting with Perthshire North MSP John Swinney, Mr Marr has stated there is no question mark over the future of the surgery and no possibility of anything other than a continuation of health care provision within the Invergowrie community.
The problem was raised in The Courier in February when we reported that three doctors have to share a single, tiny consulting room at the medical practice that is not big enough to hold all the equipment they need.
Dr Ronnie Ip and colleagues Alison Thomson and Mike Gray would like to provide a more comprehensive service to their patients, who number more than 1,500, but do not have the space.
Mr Swinney and Perth and Kinross councillor Douglas Pover took the matter further and the MSP has written to the surgery after meeting Mr Marr.
“Although this is not definitive progress, it does give me some confidence that there is now a focus within NHS Tayside on progressing matters,” he stated.
NHS chief delivers Invergowrie practice assurances