A Perthshire country house that had a £17,000 stash of old whisky hidden in the cellar has given up more of its secrets.
Auctioneer Nick Burns from Perth who sold the 14 bottles of 1950s Glenfiddich Special Pure Malt Scotch Whisky in April returned to the property to delve into the forgotten corners of the house’s attic.
What he unearthed may not have the same monetary value but the hoard of photographs reveals a snapshot of a privileged lifestyle, as well as moments of local history.
One photograph from the 30s shows a group around their biplane in Perthshire, while another is a picture of a family racehorse that won the Stormont Stakes at Perth in 1867.
“At this time, they would have been one of the privileged few private individuals to afford the luxury of air travel,” said Mr Burns of the aviation picture.
Another photograph from the same source captures an important date for another form of transport the first train to use the newly constructed Coupar Angus to Blairgowrie line, on August 1 1855. The Caledonian railway engine is captured in all its glory by photographer T. Bourke, 17 King Street, Perth.
The engine picture could fetch £50 to £100 when it comes up for sale at Lindsay Burns and Company, King Street, Perth, today.
“It is an interesting picture. When it was taken, this would have been the latest mode of transport and for commuters from Coupar Angus to Blairgowrie, it would have made their life easier,” Mr Burns said.
Other pictures included in the sale include two locally-found, signed photographs of the Dundee-born music hall legend Will Fyffe in and out of costume who died in 1947 when he fell out of the window of a St Andrews hotel.
The sale, which also includes silver, ceramics, pictures, jewellery and works of art, can be viewed today from 9am to 10.30am.