Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis is in with Perthshire business
ByAlan Richardson
A Perthshire woman has told how she received a business boost from Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis.
Each week the renowned businessman runs an initiative called Small Business Sunday in which he chooses six messages from small businesses to “retweet” to his 350,000 Twitter followers.
Angela Ramsay, of Killin games, cards and books producer Blankgame was thrilled to be selected from the most recent 1,200 entries.
She said: “I was working on Monday evening when someone sent a message of congratulations. Next I knew, I was getting hundreds of messages and new followers on Twitter from all over the UK.
“It’s fabulous to receive such support from Theo Paphitis, as it can be tough trying to raise the profile of a small business with a limited marketing budget.
“After being retweeted by Theo Paphitis on Monday night, Rymans got in touch and invited me to enter my details on a new website they sponsor called theopaphitissbs.com. All this week, my company will be profiled on the front page.”
Those looking to take part in Small Business Sunday can tweet Theo Paphitis about their business on Sundays between 5 and 7.30pm, including #SBS.
Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis is in with Perthshire business