Two kilted hula hoop experts hope to run rings around Perth’s world record bid.
As well as donning the traditional Scottish dress for the challenge, Jaclyn Dallas and Lisa Barron will sport large plastic rings round their hips. They will be a memorable sight as they make their way along the 5km route in their own unique way.
Lisa, who works as an administration assistant for AVM Impact in Perth is one of Jaclyn’s star Powerhooping pupils. This is her second time taking part in the Perth Kilt Run, but her first attempt at hula hooping around the North Inch.
She said: “I’m glad the course is a bit shorter this year, as it’s going to take a while to complete. We’re hoping people stay long enough to cheer us over the finish line.
“Kilted hula hooping is a bit of fun, but I’ll also be raising money for PKAVS (Perth and Kinross Association of Voluntary Service), a great local charity I’ve been supporting for some time.”
While Jaclyn and Lisa will be adding visual entertainment to Saturday’s record attempt, a member of Perthshire musical royalty is hoping to be singing a song of victory.
Taking a break from festival organising, Julia MacLean will be supporting the bid to host the world’s biggest kilt run. Daughter of acclaimed singer-songwriter Dougie, she is a keen runner and will take a team along to the North Inch.
“We’ve only just returned from HebCelt Fest on Lewis, so haven’t had much time to get a team together,” she added.
“We were determined to do our bit for Perth and run the kilt race.”
Those attending the Kilt Run and family fun day are asked to use public transport if possible, as the centre of Perth is expected to be very busy. Perth and Kinross Council is urging visitors to make use of park and ride.
A spokesperson said: “These facilities provide convenient parking adjacent to departure points for buses to Perth City Centre. The Perth and Scone sites provide an easy, alternative means of accessing Perth city centre.”