Dundee skater wins two silvers By The Courier Reporter January 7 2015, 9:00am January 7 2015, 9:00am Share Dundee skater wins two silvers Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link https://wpcluster.dctdigital.com/thecourier/sport/other-sports/73365/dundee-skater-wins-two-silvers/ Copy Link Murray Cochrane. A Dundee short-track speed skater has won his first national senior medals. Murray Cochrane claimed silvers in the 1500 metres and 1000 metres at the British Championships. He has been competing in the sport since the age of seven, and relocated to Nottingham in 2011 to train at the National Performance Centre. His next major event is the International Starclass competition this weekend in Nottingham.