A questionaire to gauge the views of Coupar Angus residents has revealed that the majority of people enjoy living there.
The findings also showed that people who stayed in Coupar Angus for more than 25 years are quite positive about living there, with 68% either “liking” or “loving” it.
A copy of the questionnaire was distributed to every household in Coupar Angus and a number of the questions were deliberately left open to provide an opportunity to fully capture residents’ opinions.
The response to the questionnaire saw 185 questionnaires completed, mainly in paper format. These responses represented the views of 347 adults (176 male and 171 female).
A steering group set up to lead on the Coupar Angus Community Consultation Exercise agreed that the questions should mirror those asked in the 2006 consultation exercise, as this would allow a degree of comparability and indicate whether public perceptions had changed over the intervening years.
Some of the questions were amended to take account of changes in local circumstances.
The questionnaire found that 44.7% of the respondents are aged over 60. This is slightly higher than the 42% in the same age category in the 2006 consultation, reflecting the demographic trend and the increase in life expectancy.
It also found that 42.7% of those who responded to the survey have lived in Coupar Angus for more than 25 years. Of this, the largest proportion is retired (36%).
Residents were asked to rate a whole range of aspects of life in Coupar Angus. The park and play facilities are rated overall as “very good” with most other services rated as “good” and “OK.”
Local job opportunities, social and elderly/disabled housing and the condition of roads, streets and pavements were rated as “poor”.
The major changes to the area at the Cross since 2006 are reflected in the improved ratings. In 2006, the majority agreed that the area was poor or very poor, now only 18% share this view. Some 40% now consider it good, very good, and even excellent, and another 42% “OK” (against 23% in 2006).
The questionnaire found that Larghan Park is seen as a major asset to the town and gets the highest excellent rating of all facilities and services at 15%. Another 60% rate it as good or very good.
There was some criticism of the fencing round the park in terms of keeping dogs out and children in but no other negative comments.
There were few complaints about street cleaning, waste and recycling services with 67% rating them good or better and less than 10% rating them poor or very poor.
The lack of local job opportunities was a cause for concern in 2006. This remains a major cause for concern with the highest poor and very poor ratings of all of the questions.
Of those who expressed an opinion, 73% rated the prospects as poor or very poor, compared to 64% in 2006. It was recognised that there is a need to create more job opportunities in the town if it is to become more vibrant. And more than half of Coupar Angus residents think that the roads, streets and pavements are in need of attention, with 23% rating them as very poor.
The initial report only contains the results of the community questionnaire. Results from the focus groups and stakeholders interviews, the Have Your Say Day responses and community profile have to be added to complete the report.
This will be available in late June.