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VIDEO: Trailer trouble on the Forth Road Bridge during December 28 storm

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Shocking footage of a lorry’s trailer being blown over on the Forth Road Bridge should serve as a timely warning to motorists, according to the bridge’s operators.

The incident was recorded on the bridge’s CCTV cameras, and from a vehicle travelling behind the lorry.

Forth Estuary Transport Authority (FETA) said it wanted to release its CCTV images to warn drivers of the dangers of driving in high winds and the potential consequences of ignoring clearly signposted restrictions.

The incident took place on December 28, when gale-force winds battered parts of the country, and shows the large trailer swaying and then being swept into the air by the gusting wind.

The trailer, which has German number plates, is left teetering on its side blocking the carriageway and for a whole minute it looks as if the trailer has come to rest.

However, it somehow rights itself back on to the road and the driver continues on his way north to Fife.

At the time of the incident, warning signs on the approaches to the bridge stated that it was closed to all vehicles except cars.

Chief engineer and bridgemaster Barry Colford said: ”We’re releasing this footage to warn drivers of the dangers of ignoring restrictions. This driver was very lucky that nobody was killed or injured.”

It is understood that the driver was later apprehended by bridge staff and has also been questioned by police about the incident.