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Council attempts to calm Tulloch Primary nursery place tensions

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The council has moved to defuse a row over places at a Perth nursery.

Families with children at Tulloch Primary nursery were told that 10 youngsters would have to transfer to other facilities in the city as there was insufficient room next session.

This prompted a backlash with some parents claiming priority had been given to families that met certain criteria, including children whose first language was not English.

”I have nothing against immigrants, but why should they displace our children they are meant to integrate, not get priority,” said one member of a family affected.

The council said it was doing what it could to sort out a ”highly unusual and unfortunate” set of circumstances.

”The provision of nursery education by councils is not a statutory requirement,” a council spokesman said. ”However, Perth and Kinross Council does have a duty to arrange a free, part-time, pre-school education place for all eligible children, should their parents wish this. This requires the council to be able to offer nursery places but not in any specific nursery, school or locality.

”Our policy for admission to nursery schools and classes sets out in a straightforward manner the priorities for admission and provision where parents want to defer their child’s entry to school. The policy is designed to be fair, and aims to meet the needs of all children, and is available to parents both from schools and on the council’s website.

“Additionally, referrals can be made for children under clearly stated Support for Children and Families criteria, which are designed to assist children and families with particular educational or social needs. Places are available for this purpose in each nursery class.

”As part of the council’s Early Years Strategy, a number of nursery places are also available to support children in need at Crieff Road Pre-School Centre, and in 14 primary schools across Perth and Kinross.

”In relation to the nursery class at Tulloch Primary, of the 10 places allocated ahead of the ballot, six were for children whose parents wished to defer their school entry, and four were given where children clearly met the Support for Children and Families criteria. The council does not comment on individual cases; what we will say, though, is the overall situation is highly unusual and unfortunate it is rare that pre-school children do not access a place in their local nursery.

”In order to address the situation and assist families, the council is seeking permission from the Care Inspectorate to increase the number of children in the nursery class at Tulloch and provide additional staff to accommodate the children currently on the waiting list. We are currently awaiting a response from the Care Inspectorate; however, approval of this request cannot be guaranteed.

”Parents of children who were unable to access a place at Tulloch have been advised, in the meantime, to register their child at another local nursery of their choice. The council will be in touch with them to advise if the situation at Tulloch should change.”