Dundee woman assaulted husband and police officers
April 24 2018
Serial Dundee shoplifter’s sentence deferred due to three other charges
April 24 2018
Gas leak leads cops to cannabis plantation at Dundee home
April 23 2018
Dundee biker who walked naked across A90 convicted of doing 75mph in 30mph zone
April 21 2018
Dundee pervert with 1,850 indecent images gets second child porn conviction in 12 years
April 20 2018
Trio accused of having offensive weapons during alleged fight on Dundee street
April 20 2018
Man denies driving without lights towards police officers on Dundee road
April 20 2018
Dundee man repeatedly spat at hostel worker
April 19 2018
Thief caught by staff as she tried to leave Dundee Asda with groceries, toiletries and toys
April 19 2018
Probe after thief took mobile phone from Ninewells A&E
April 19 2018
Dundee cops attending incident were passed by Honda car driven by disqualified man
April 19 2018
Man twice stole alcohol from Dundee Sainsbury’s then returned to store and was abusive
April 19 2018
Man ‘trying to give up smoking’ pinched Nicorette sprays from Dundee supermarket
April 19 2018
Dundee man jailed after driving child, 4, in car without seatbelt
April 19 2018
Man pinched bag containing panic alarm from Reform Street McDonald’s
April 19 2018
Dundee man denies threatening to disclose intimate picture of ex-partner
April 18 2018
Dundee woman failed to give way at junction, causing 14-year-old girl to be knocked down
April 18 2018
Man drove on Kingsway while three times alcohol limit
April 18 2018
Teen convicted of having cocaine at Dundee hotel on Boxing Day
April 18 2018
Man, 20, groomed ‘girlfriend’ aged 10 then sexually attacked her in Dundee flat
April 17 2018
Teen admits twice sexually assaulting girl on dance floor at Dundee nightspot
April 17 2018
Man, 26, in court accused of shaking baby to the danger of her life at Dundee home
April 16 2018
Driver failed to look properly and hit 90-year-old with car
April 16 2018
Woman caught driving with no MOT in Dundee
April 16 2018