Dundee Airport, Riverside Drive, Dundee - A quiet terminal due to the Icelandic volcanic eruption
Dundee Airport is flying high thanks to a big rise in passenger numbers.
Its operator, Highland and Islands Airports Ltd, said it was “delighted” that more than 75,000 people had landed or taken off on commercial flights during 2009/10.
That was up from 67,000 the previous year, making it one of only two of the nine airports the company runs to enjoy an increase compared to 2008/09.
The CityJet route to London City airport was particularly popular, but there were also significant rises in passenger numbers on the FlyBe Birmingham and Belfast routes too.
However, Dundee still has a long way to go match HIAL’s busiest airport, Inverness, which had 585,000 passengers during the year.
It is also beaten in the rankings by Kirkwall, Stornoway and Sumburgh.
Overall, HIAL said just under 1.2 million passengers had passed through its airports, an 8% decline on the previous year.
Managing director Inglis Lyon said, “Most of the regional routes have held up well with some even managing modest growth.
“However, the London market has been impacted by the economic downturn and will take some time to fully recover.”