Caledonian Marts’ John Broadfoot dies By Ewan Pate July 22 2014, 2:06pm July 22 2014, 2:06pm Share Caledonian Marts’ John Broadfoot dies Share via Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Messenger Email Post link Copy Link John Broadfoot, general manager at Caledonian Marts (Stirling) Ltd, has died suddenly after a short illness. Mr Broadfoot, 58, had served the company for 42 years in various capacities and had been general manager since 1992. Caledonian Marts chairman James Cullens said: “John died on Saturday morning. “He was a big personality here in the market and in the Scottish farming community. “A lot of people looked to him for help and advice and he will be sadly missed.” Mr Cullens confirmed a board meeting had been held and that senior auctioneer John Kyle had been appointed as interim general manager. “We have to keep positive as we have always done and I know that is what John would expect.” Mr Broadfoot leaves his wife Annette and children Michelle and Scott. His funeral is on Friday at 10.30am at St Ninians Old Parish Church then at Bannockburn Cemetery.